the alaska wild salmon company

We work with Juneau’s fishing families at Taku River Reds and Pelican’s fishing families at Yakobi Fisheries, to provide you with the best fresh salmon!

Who we are

We’re Mark Stopha and Sara Hannan from Juneau, Alaska. We have passed on our business selling salmon to Chris McDowell of Yakobi Fisheries in Juneau. Thanks to all our customers for your patronage over the years! We remain in Juneau. Sara is now a member of the House of Representatives for the state of Alaska legislature for part of the Juneau area. Mark commercially trolls for salmon a few trips a year, and volunteers for the USAID Farmer to Farmer program, working with fishermen in other countries on fish handling for quality and direct marketing their catch.

Learn how to cut salmon steaks from the master!

Good Salmon Pittsburgh

I’m Anna Valentine and I live with my husband and four children in Pittsburgh. I had the privilege of growing up on a farm in Michigan, selling fresh produce and flowers at the markets and now we’re happy to be your source for high quality Alaskan salmon at the markets here in Pittsburgh.

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Life in alaska and Beyond

Read about Mark's travels and life in Alaska


July 20, 2024

Sean and Pat came in for a couple weeks of Alaska on the tug. Kind of an adventure for people to get here now rather than Juneau. Flying in on the jet from Seattle to Ketchikan is pretty rout...

Keeping the old stuff running

July 07, 2024

Lots of repairs and maintenance lately. I put the prop guard on the new 200 HP Yamaha, so wanted to take the boat for a test drive. As I motored in front of Craig, I was turning the wh...

June in Craig

July 02, 2024

Sara was able to come through for a few days from a family event in Portland and a legislative event in Juneau. We got out on the boat for a few days. We caught nothing our first afternoon out...

Canned Halibut

June 18, 2024

I heard from numerous people I’d be disappointed if I canned halibut. Too dry was the issue, as halibut don’t have the oil salmon do.

I tried it anyway. I added 2 ta...