Versatile Sea Asparagus Sara and her friends in Craig picked sea asparagus in… Continue Reading Cooking with raw Sea Asparagus
Versatile Sea Asparagus Sara and her friends in Craig picked sea asparagus in… Continue Reading Cooking with raw Sea Asparagus
I took Jeff J. and Keith out cruising the beaches today looking for… Continue Reading Day on the beach
I’ve been down to our container cabin for a week or two. I… Continue Reading Fall Deer Hunting 2020
Finished out the coho season in north Chatham Strait. I have the fever again. And feel 20 years younger. Tweaking the gear every day to try to improve how my boat fishes, changing spoon colors, adding flashers and hootchies, changing leader lengths, etc. All to catch 20+ fish on a good day. Continue Reading End of Season 1, part B.
Back at it for my second trip hand trolling. I feel like I’m 40 again. I was fishing day 1 and only had one clatter of 4 fish between 8 am and 5 pm. At about 5 pm, the tender came into Funter Bay and everyone but me went in to sell. Then I saw a cluster of gulls diving on feed. I headed their way. Next thing I know, I’ve got 16 fish on board. Continue Reading 3 day trip
Andrew started his new job after working two jobs, supporting two families, and… Continue Reading Berries and salmon