June 15, 2005

First day of coho season, although we catch few where we fish now. No kings thru 1 pm today. Calm seas, overcast, a little rain, and lots of feed, but no kings. I’ve noticed many cow humpbacks with young calves this year, and few pods of more than 3 whales thus far this spring. Saw one young brown bear foraging on the beach.

Just one king in the boat by 5 pm. Had a big one to the boat, and then
the swivel ring on the flasher broke and away he swam with my gear. Lost another 1 or 2 before I saw them on the gear. Seems like the days I catch hardly any are the days I lose the most fish, and when I’m in the fish, I don’t lose any.

Caught a few more fish by 8pm, so not a bad day. Seems like lots of male? humpbacks showed up today, attracted, I’m sure, by all the herring present.
Mark Stopha
F/V Dutch Master
Alaska Wild Salmon Co
4455 N Douglas Hwy
Juneau, Alaska 99801

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