Traveling through thick fog rounding the corner at Pt. Adolphus heading west. Town time was nothing but work. Three trips to our processor, but lucky to have Sara help this week offloading and cut the time in half. I hoped to be out this far or farther yesterday, but got a call from a Pennsylvania distributer with an order when I was almost to the harbor, so had to turn around to go mail the order and didn’t leave till noon.
By 4 pm I was having a hard time staying awake, so pulled in to Swanson Harbor for a nap. We’ve had 4 days in arow of record temps in the 80’s and today it may reach 90. The glare on the water and the heat just wore me out after 4 days of running around in town. I started for the coast about 7 pm, and decided to just run to Hoohah at dark, as the nearest anchorages were still a couple hours away.
Fog from Adolphus to Lisianski Inlet. I’m heading out Lisianski Strait now, and I haven’t been out here for 4 years. A really neat long channel. I’ve decided to head to new country with a mentor who showed me how to fish my first season. Looks like the weather may blow up by midweek, but it should be on my stern if I need to run for cover. This will be the furthest I’ve fished from home. I’m both apprehensive and excited.
Finally put the hook down in Ogden Passage after a beautiful run on the inside passage around Herbert Graves Island. Changed over my gear from coho spoons to alternating 4 fa hootchie spreads and 2 fa spoon spreads. Boiled a pot of coffee for the thermos, and went to bed about 8:30.
Mark Stopha
F/V Dutch Master
Alaska Wild Salmon Co
4455 N Douglas Hwy
Juneau, Alaska 99801
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