Aug 26, 2005

Finally getting back out fishing today. As usual, a real bear offloading fish. Needed to move fish up the dock at low tide, which burned out the drive wheel on our power cart, which is a contraption we built out of an old track snowblower. So, I’ll need to replace that part when I get back. Also had a large order of smoked salmon to ship to a customer in Anchorage, as well as shipment of fresh salmon to the Shrimp Dock, our largest store outlet customer in Knoxville, TN.

Then, Sara needed to have a minor medical procedure, which I wanted to be there for in case she needed help with anything.

Also began calling natural food cooperatives in preparation for a marketing trip to Minnesota and Florida in Oct.
Finally, we ran out of fuel oil, which we planned to do, as we needed to replace the tank. So, I did that, swapping out connecting reparts, etc, and setting the new tank up. Had to wait for delivery of oil this morning to check all connections for leaks.

The season is winding down now, and I’ve been hard at it since March. Still, as I walked the few blocks from the parking area to the harbor, I looked out on the water, and the sun was peeking through after days and days of monsoon rains. Got that feeling of excitment to get back on on the water and fishing again, and once again was thankful to be a fisherman.
Mark Stopha
F/V Dutch Master
Alaska Wild Salmon Co
4455 N Douglas Hwy
Juneau, Alaska 99801

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