Aug 28, 2005

Got boarded by the Coast Guard yesterday. Luckily, they were ready to check to see that my flares were not expired, nor my fire extinguisher. Several 20 somethings came on board, armed with pistols. In the event my flares were expired and the kids’ pistols weren’t enough firepower to take me in, 3 of the others stayed back in the zodiac boarding craft with a – and I’m not kidding- mounted machine gun. Luckily I passed the check, and the boys sped off to their next boat.

Today, few fish. Tried Funter Bay, then Homeshore, and finished at Adolphus for only 20 cohos. May have to continue to the outer coast if things don’t improve. However, there are about 75 boats inside here, and that’s telling me there are no fish out there either or these boats would be out there. Beautiful day. sunny and 65 degrees at least.

Mark Stopha
F/V Dutch Master
Alaska Wild Salmon Co
4455 N Douglas Hwy
Juneau, Alaska 99801

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