Got up at started fishing at first light. Overcast and flat calm. At midmorning, a call came over the radio – “Seiner, seiner seiner at Spaski.” This was repeated several more times with no reply. Someone asked what was the problem. The caller said the seine boat was headed for Spaki Reef. The caller said “He backed down… No, he hit it.” Finally, the seine captain came on the air and said “We’re fine”. Then the seiner hailed the Coast Guard and said he’s on the reef and taking on water. I pulled my gear and headed for the seiner. About 15 min later, Peter, who was on scene first, said the seiner was almost under, and that the crew had escaped to a raft. A float plane landed and towed the raft to deeper water where Peter could get them. I was entroute and Pete said it was all over and I turned around and went back to fishing. Glad everyone was okay. Sounds as is the seine driver had fallen asleep.
Big fish but few of them today. Fished to Coverdon, then
Mark Stopha
F/V Dutch Master
Alaska Wild Salmon Co
4455 N Douglas Hwy
Juneau, Alaska 99801
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