Dec 11, 2005

Been trying to make our pet treats at my processor’s
facility. Up till now, I’ve made them by hand. We
need to increase capacity now, as we are barely
keeping our current markets supplied. So, my
processor ordered a part for his jerky extruder that
would extrude our treats. However, since we grind up
the body frame and meat left over from a salmon after
filleting, the bones kept clogging the machine. I
thought we were done, and I’d have to get going by
hand again. As a last resort, I found another plate
for the meat grinder – a tiny 1/8 inch hole plate. I
ground the mixuture through this, and was thrilled
when the extruder worked as advertised! Then, I went
and ruined it by tossing the knive to the grinder down
the drain, along with the mass of left over fish, when
I was cleaning out the grinder. My friend, the
processor, was not thrilled. We’ll spend awhile
fishing that back out – the knife is easy to replace
(I already bought a replacement), but a clogged drain
can stop his operation cold. Hopefully, this can get
this part of the business back on track so I can look
to market the treats in new areas.

Mark Stopha and Sara Hannan
Alaska Wild Salmon Company
F/V Dutch Master
Hook and Line Fresh, Frozen, and Smoked Wild Salmon
Salmon Pet Treats
4455 N. Douglas Hwy
Juneau, AK 99801

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