Mohammed came for me and we walked to Estelle’s for the morning. We toured her large pond site. The African bonytongue fish they are growing make very cool nests that forms a bowl of plant material, the top of which is above the waterline. The fish lay their eggs inside the bowl, and then borrow out of the bowl after their eggs hatch.
Estelle told us stories of her childhood, including her appreciation of a Peace Corps teacher that inspired her to keep on with her education when she was in 7th grade in the early 1960’s. That would have been some of the very first Peace Coprs Volunteers to have been deployed. Estelle fed us rice and pepper with palm oil.
When they dropped me off at the hotel, they called on the owner to talk about his ponds. The owner is growing fish as both a crop and an attraction at the hotel. He talked about a patio aEsbove the ponds where customers could catch fish with a pole and have it for dinner. I’m very impressed with the fish farmers zeal for their business here and how they are actively working together to move their industry forward.
It was very hot in the midday sun and we called it an early day and I caught up on some rest.