44 below

Temperature got to 44 below zero this morning. With barely a breath of wind, the wind chill was 72 below. Nippy. But the sun is out and it’s clear weather and doesn’t seem as cold as it did when I worked nights. Had a hard time staying warm even in the pickup truck this morning. My left thigh got cold near the door.

Any rigs or camps look like there’s a tornado stirring up fog around them. The exhaust from the equipment on the rigs just hangs around the rig in this cold, creating their own crappy local climate.

Haven’t seen any life here as of yet. Not even fox tracks.

I’ve noticed for my 2 weeks hitches, the first week goes by quickly, then the next 2 or 3 days are sllllloooowwww, then the last few are okay. Still a long two weeks, and I sometimes physically feel these 2 weeks coming off my life.

I just got another opportunity to do some fisheries consulting in west Africa – this time in Nigeria. Supposed to go in about a month, and hope the political situation there remains calm. Would be traveling part of the trip to the lower Niger river – and right back in oil country.

Mark Stopha
Alaska Wild Salmon Company
4455 N. Douglas Hwy
Juneau, AK 99801

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