June 16, 2005

Very slow. Only 3 keepers and a coho from 5:30 am till 6 pm. Sunny and hazy. Still hope to have a little late evening action that saved the day yesterday. 3 boats at Danger Point near Angoon was down to 1 today, and he left about noon, so looks like it’s slow in a lot of the area. I’ll probably stick it out here, and hope to get one or two double digit days to make a decent trip.
Still no more fish by evening. These are the days that no matter how many times I go through them, I worry about our financial situation, and how much money I’ve spent so far this week just in fuel and groceries, etc. I also begin to doubt my fishing ability, or I feel like everyone but me is in another spot catching all the fish.

It only takes a clatter of fish to forget all the doubt and feel like happy days are here again.
Mark Stopha
F/V Dutch Master
Alaska Wild Salmon Co
4455 N Douglas Hwy
Juneau, Alaska 99801

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June 15, 2005

First day of coho season, although we catch few where we fish now. No kings thru 1 pm today. Calm seas, overcast, a little rain, and lots of feed, but no kings. I’ve noticed many cow humpbacks with young calves this year, and few pods of more than 3 whales thus far this spring. Saw one young brown bear foraging on the beach.

Just one king in the boat by 5 pm. Had a big one to the boat, and then
the swivel ring on the flasher broke and away he swam with my gear. Lost another 1 or 2 before I saw them on the gear. Seems like the days I catch hardly any are the days I lose the most fish, and when I’m in the fish, I don’t lose any.

Caught a few more fish by 8pm, so not a bad day. Seems like lots of male? humpbacks showed up today, attracted, I’m sure, by all the herring present.
Mark Stopha
F/V Dutch Master
Alaska Wild Salmon Co
4455 N Douglas Hwy
Juneau, Alaska 99801

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June 14, 2005

Well, after good fishing late last week, the fish are gone for now. Just 1 fish by 11am. I was entertained by a young humpback doing repeated spiral breaches near the boat. Rainy with a SW lump, which makes me sleepy with the lack of fishing action.

Mark Stopha
F/V Dutch Master
Alaska Wild Salmon Co
4455 N Douglas Hwy
Juneau, Alaska 99801

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June 12, 2005

Sold my fish off the dock to our Juneau customers yesterday. Then laoded the remainder into fish totes, and used a homebuilt power cart to push the fish up the dock and onto the pickup truck. We built the contraption out of a snow blower (sans the blower attachment) and a t wheel dolly frame – both given to me just because the givers knew we were trying to invent something. Bob, our resident welding friend, then took things dfrom there to make the unit operational. It still needs refinement, but is easier than pushing the fish by hand like I used to. You’d think in a town like Juneau, there would be things like a crane to do this work. Our Harbor Board, however, has taken just about every opportunity to remove infrastructure vital to the commercial fishing industry in favor of new infrastructure for the cruise ship tourism industry. What’s even more frustrating is that they receive fish tax money directly from me, yet continue to discourage small boat fishermen from o!
perating in Juneau. I’m thinking about running for our local city assembly to give folks like us a voice in the town.

After offloading, I had a good hour of email correspondence. Then a weekly dinner with our friends in Juneau where we supply a fish, and they do the cooking. After that, I dropped off a fish at the Glory Hole, our local homeless shelter run by a friend. Then finally home to see how much fish we had to ship out, then how many customer orders on our waiting list we could fill. Next, I called those customers to schedule delivery. The next morning, I was up at 6 to begin boxing up mail-order items. Then to the processor to ship fish to a restaurant in Fairbanks owned by a family from my tiny hometown of Bolivar in western New York state. Next to the airport to ship fish, then the post office to mail the mailorder items, next to the grocery store for fruit and peanut butter and jelly and bread – my boat staples. Then a drop off of smoked salmon to a friend for his mom, and to borrow more books for the week to read. Finally, stopped to pick up some bait and gear, and down t!
o the boat. A final call to a friend who is shipping out my fish for me so ai don’t have to wait in town for it to be filleted first.

Every trip turnaround is like this. Almost impossible to get business done in one day and get back fishing. It’s the primary difference between being a fisherman and running a fishing business.

Mark Stopha
F/V Dutch Master
Alaska Wild Salmon Co
4455 N Douglas Hwy
Juneau, Alaska 99801

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June 11, 2005

Good fishing yesterday and okay today, too. Lots of herring at the surface here, and a few humpback whales showing up, feeding on them along with the eagles, salmon, rockfish and halibut. The herring are very large, with a single fish just about filling the stomach of a 17 lb king salmon.
I noticed my first flock of gulls today near a creek mouth. The herring are too big for the gulls – these herring are eagle food. I was surprised that the gulls didn’t follow behind the boat to grab the fish entrails as I cleaned fish. Out on the outer coast, the gulls only need to see a troller come out on deck to flock behind his boat, whether he is cleaning fish or just checking his gear. Not many boats fish here in comparison to the outside area, so I’m guessing it’s a trained response.

Mark Stopha
F/V Dutch Master
Alaska Wild Salmon Co
4455 N Douglas Hwy
Juneau, Alaska 99801

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June 9, 2005

A baker’s dozen yesterday. Lots of herring here, with a couple dozen eagles constantly airborne over the schools, trying for a fish. Today, overcast, with 6 fish from 4am to 9am.
Caught my first coho of the season yesterday, and one more today.
Catching many small halibut. I’d always thought of them as strictly bottom dwellers, but I’ve caught many at least 60 feet off the bottom, likely traveling up to feed on the massive schools of herring here.

Mark Stopha
F/V Dutch Master
Alaska Wild Salmon Co
4455 N Douglas Hwy
Juneau, Alaska 99801

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