Sending furs to the auction

My marten fur is ready to go the NAFA auction back east. First, I am required to “seal” them at the Alaska Dept. of Fish and Game. The state gets a number on how many I caught, where I caught them, and the number of males and females in the catch. It helps them keep track of the more valuable and more harvested species. Marten, for instance, bring upwards of $100 each. Mink, which only bring $20 or $30, and are stinky, greasy critters anyway, do not need to be sealed. I sent the two mink I had to Moyles to be tanned. The marten went to the NAFA consolidator up in Wasilla, who then ships my fur and others for the next auction in April.

I ordered sewing instructions for mittens and trappers hat from the UAF extension service, and hope to sew some of my furs myself. Would like to make some moccasins as well.

I’m off watching my niece play basketball in Petersburg and Sitka the next 2 weekends, and then the season closes for everything but beaver on Feb. 15, so this is likely the end of the season for me. If I get anymore, I’ll probably keep them for home use.

Mark Stopha
Alaska Wild Salmon Company
4455 N. Douglas Hwy
Juneau, AK 99801

Pulled my traps today after not getting anything for the second check in a row. The 330 was sprung and the bait gone. It was set outside of the entrance to a square bucket, and when it sprung, it caught on the bucket so didn’t finish. Another lesson learned for next year. Big winds here – over 100 mph at Eaglecrest, and 70+ mph in downtown Juneau. All great at the cabin. Lots of snow and wished I’d had skiis to get in to the cabin. Did the dishes and read old Alaska Sportsman magazines. Changed oil in the outboard when I got home, after putting chains on the truck to get the boat trailer up the driveway.

With all the rain on top of the snow, the creek behind our garage had left it’s banks and was going down our back yard, right down our front walk way and down the steps. Sump pump was going every minute. Cleared out the creek, and went to our neighbors house and cleared out their part of the creek, too, as they are down south for the winter.

Will get my marten off to auction and the mink to Moyles for tanning. I’ve ordered some info. from UAF and going to try to make my own mittens.

Mark Stopha
Alaska Wild Salmon Company
4455 N. Douglas Hwy
Juneau, AK 99801

Winter in the woods

Nothing in the traps today. Beautiful in the woods – like Disney Land. About 18 inches of snow on the beach, and half a foot in the timber. Total silence walking. Had one 220 with a fish head as bait snapped, so put a 330 there and a new fish head. Saw one deer on the beach, and tracks everywhere I went to the beach. Put in 2 more sets, so have a dozen or so out now. The new ones were put by the cabin, the cliff and the other side of the same cove. I only put 2 traps at the cabin and cliff. The other 3 sets have 3 traps at each one.

Mark Stopha
Alaska Wild Salmon Company
4455 N. Douglas Hwy
Juneau, AK 99801

Back out

Finally got a few marten sets out today, and tried my first otter set. Only vehicle at the boat ramp. After all the cold and wind, it warmed up and dumped 8 inches of snow. The winds laid down mid-morning, so I headed out. I spent my first 2 seasons trapping this shoreline, and knew exactly where I caught all my fur, since I caught a total of 5 marten and 1 mink. I set at the sites I’d got marten, starting with the one where I got tided last year. The tide was flooding as I got over to the shoreline, so I wanted to be safe and set this one first since it’s a shallow shore and the sets are out of sight of the boat.

The wind wasn’t too bad, but it was blowing right on shore. So, I only found 3 places I could safely put the boat and it wouldn’t go dry in a short while. After I made the first set, the tide turned, so I had to be extra careful.

I decided to set 3 newspaper tube/120 conibear setups at each site, since I knew these places would catch marten. I was able to set 2 of the 3 places I’d caught marten before, but could not set the third place because of the wind and tide. I set a new place, so we’ll see how we do. I will put out more if the wind is right when I check these.

A poor Marine from Juneau lost 3 limbs and had a head injury earlier this week in his second tour in Afghanistan. God help this country. The current president and all the front running Republicans are all about more military and waring. Only Ron Paul speaks about changing our foreign policy, and his voting against Martin Luther King day is in his past. How can a country that supposedly prides itself on “Christian” values keep killing and killing others and our own kids. And for what? People are more worried about their download speed than they are foreign policy – I think most forget we’re even still fighting. The media only talks about what the candidates say about each other or the president – even NPR doesn’t report on actual issues, just what dirt one candidate has brought up on the other. Pretty sad.

Mark Stopha
Alaska Wild Salmon Company
4455 N. Douglas Hwy
Juneau, AK 99801

Not many things nastier than mink musk glands. Seems I can’t skin one without damaging or otherwise releasing that nasty odor. Thank God our niece gave us a plug in scent thing for Christmas or Sara would evict me for good cause. I did learn how to flesh a mink tonight, after, of course, looking it up on the internet. I am drying the mink in our cold air, though, as that stink is too much for even the scentenator. All the fur caught so far – 13 marten and 2 mink – are now skinned and boarded. I took the furs I’d done so far to the office to have Bob, who trapped up north for over a decade, to critique, and his response was overwhelmingly positive – so I hope to get good value for what I sell and appear to be doing it properly. He did say I could use a little skinnier stretching boards to get some more length on my furs, so always something to learn.

Mark Stopha
Alaska Wild Salmon Company
4455 N. Douglas Hwy
Juneau, AK 99801

It is cold in Juneau town. Right around zero, and some north wind. Skinned 3 more marten, and boarded those and one left from the night before. Used a propane Mr. Heater in the garage for heat and that was tolerable. 2 mink and a marten left to do.

Got up to pee at 4 am and we forgot to leave the water running so the pipes froze. Found a little space heater and extension cord to put next to the water line under the house as we always had. When I opened the access door, there was another heater left there from earlier pipe freezes. So just plugged it in. Took 3 hours to unfreeze but it let go about 7. Then off to work.

Mark Stopha
Alaska Wild Salmon Company
4455 N. Douglas Hwy
Juneau, AK 99801