My little sister said she has a hard time making salmon from the… Continue Reading Cooking Salmon from the freezer
My little sister said she has a hard time making salmon from the… Continue Reading Cooking Salmon from the freezer
Winter king fishing around here is more fishing than catching. I don’t know many who catch fish every time, or even most times. Mostly, it’s something to do after deer hunting closes until spring hooter and black bear hunting, and in the past, spring king salmon, which has been closed for years now due to low returns. Continue Reading The blind hog finds an acorn
Picking crab by the woodstove. For the first time in 25 years, it’s… Continue Reading Crab Pickin’
Spent the day on the tug. Crawling around in the bowels of the… Continue Reading 59 club
I called Paul in Petersburg tonight. I hadn’t checked in in a couple… Continue Reading A Christmas Miracle. Really
When we have the wood stove going full blast during cold snaps, it’s… Continue Reading Fiddleheads and salmon soup