Free Wood is Free Wood

I’m pretty much drowning in firewood wood from all the free trees we got recently. Matt has wood at our place because he was maxed out his space. But when I saw free firewood on Craigslist yesterday. Well, free wood is free wood. I didn’t need more. Matt was down south. Erik had soccer with Jack and not much room anyway. Jeff didn’t want it. So what to do with it. I was first on the list so of course I said I’d be out to get it. Then I remembered. My neighbor KJ, who I split wood for because his doctor said after his shoulder surgery he could split no more. Maybe he’d want it. “Sure!” he said. So off to the valley to collect it. The wood was mainly spruce. Some unsplit 2 inch diameter stuff and some ready to burn larger split stuff, along with some old cottonwood rounds I’d keep for smoking. It took every inch of the truck bed up to the canopy top to fit it all in in one load, but I made it. The old 250 diesel hardly knew it was there. KJ looked like he’d opened a Christmas present when I pulled down the truck tailgate. Now he’s set for wood and my splitting for him taken care of. At least most of it. Maybe he can take another load, but not much.

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