40 below

Economy down south apparently bites, but things are happening here on the north slope, at least for the next few months. We’re getting extra work as the company is stretched thin. I’m going to be working 2 on/1 off till about May (I hope). I like working on the drilling rig. Days are getting longer in a big hurry here above the arctic circle. I saw the first sunrise a month ago, and we’re already up to about 12 hours of daylight. It was above zero today, too, which is almost too warm for the clothes I’m used to wearing. But not to worry, as it should be colder the next few days. Although there are a few fox tracks around, I have not seen an animal of any sort – bird or mammal – since I’ve been here. Only a few more “get-ups” as the rig hands say here, and back to Juneau on Tuesday for what will now be a short stay.

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