Almost missed them

Laura, Samuel and I went up to Eaglecrest fiddleheading in 70 degree weather.  If this keeps up, I’m going to have to move further north.  Supposed to be 75 degrees tomorrow.  We were a week later fiddleheading than last year, plus it was an early spring.  We almost missed them.  Most were 18 inches high, although with the fiddle head still curled.  Some were already leafed out to full-fledged ferns.  There were still young ones coming up between the tall ones, and I got 5 nut canisters full in about an hour and half.   I saw a deer with a red coat bounding across the hill when Samuel and Laura were up near it.  The brush just swallowed it.  No wonder I don’t see many deer over there.  Samuel ran all over the hill and talked from when he got in the truck till when he got out.  Of course he went up to his thighs in a muskeg pool on the way out too.   

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