Aug 19, 2005

Got up early, and found that the forecast had changed from East 30 to SW 15, so headed back to White Sisters in a light swell.. Apparantley, I did not get the memo that all the fish were gone from there, as there were no other boats, and very few fish. The SW swell continued to build, and with no fish, I pointed the bow west and fished with the swell the rest of the day. only caught 8 kings, but 60 cohos. I lost a lead when I went too shallow, and by that time (6 ish) I’d had enough, so I pulled the gear, and headed for Squid Bay, where I used anchor often when I fished Cape Cross my second year of trolling. Tomorrow I’ll probably follow the same game plan and fish west to Yakobi, and then start for home. I’ll finally be in cell range tomorrow so I can call Sara if she’s home.

Mark Stopha
F/V Dutch Master
Alaska Wild Salmon Co
4455 N Douglas Hwy
Juneau, Alaska 99801

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Aug 18, 2005

Winds and rain as forecast. I listened to the hourly wind reports at the Cape Edgecumbe and Fairweather buoys. As the winds continued to come down, I pulled anchor to poke my nose out into the Gulf to test the weather. Before I got to the mouth of Lisianski, I met the Ellie IV, owned by my friend Jons. He said he was headed inside due to weather, so I turned around and put my gear down in the Inlet in the calm waters. I made one loop. When I pulled my gear, I shook half a dozen pinks and 2 cohos, as the fishing didn’t look promising enough to keep fishing. On the last spoon on the last line pulled was a white king salmon which I did not shake, and I returned to the anchorage. I cleaned and iced the king, then did chores like changing the tag donut on the starbard heavy line, tightened the hydraulic pump belts, and tidied up the cabin before taking a nap. When I awoke in mid afternoon ready to head out fishing, I turned on the weather to hear the updated forecast. T!
he light winds for the Cape Cross area were now changed to 30 kt easterlies, so I stayed put. I’ll fish Cross Sd tomorrow, then head inside the following day – home if I fill the boat tomorrow. Been out of cell range for 5 days now (what we call bliss), and hope the business hasn’t collapsed when I renew contact with America.
Made one of my new favorite dinners last evening – one can of kidney beans, a can of diced Italian tomatoes, a pound of deer sausage, a half cup of instant rice and a cup or water. Brown sausage in olive oil, add to beans and tomatoes, simmer. Then add rice and water, simmer till rice sets up. Serves 1 for two to 3 days.

Mark Stopha
F/V Dutch Master
Alaska Wild Salmon Co
4455 N Douglas Hwy
Juneau, Alaska 99801

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Aug 17, 2005

Another beautiful day. The weather was changing, and it was the calm before the storm with partly cloudy skies most of the day, and a soft SW swell. Late in the day the clouds rolled in and it’s pouring rain here on the pick. Caught about the same number of kings as yesterday, with 60 cohos.
Ran to Lost Cove to meet up with Eric. He’s selling his fish to the fish coop tomorrow, and had plenty of unused ice to give me. After I shoveled ice into my hold, Eric came over, threw all the various wet clothes and fishing gear, etc from the setee bench, and we had a grand chat about our week of fishing. It’s supposed to blow South 30 tomorrow until the afternoon, so I may have a partial weather day to tie up some more gear and clean up this hell-hole of a boat cabin.

Mark Stopha
F/V Dutch Master
Alaska Wild Salmon Co
4455 N Douglas Hwy
Juneau, Alaska 99801

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Aug 16, 2005

Northwesterly today made for sloppy seas in the afternoon. Fishing slow in the morning, and the fish showed up at low tide about noon. Same kings as the first two days, but only 40 cohos. Catching a few sockeye here as well. Big cohos late in the day. Kept tangling my gear on the starbard side between the heavy and the bag lines. Tried lengthening the heavy tag line and adding weight to the bag line, but continued to tangle gear so I finally just pulled the bag in and fished 3 lines. Maybe I need to turn to port when setting the starbard bag or something. Tomorrow may be the last fishable day till Friday as 30 kt winda and rain forecast for Thurs.

Mark Stopha
F/V Dutch Master
Alaska Wild Salmon Co
4455 N Douglas Hwy
Juneau, Alaska 99801

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Aug 15, 2005

Eric and I both caught nearly the same scores for kings and cohos as yesterday. It felt to me like I worked alot harder, but that is probably because I fished 2 hours less. Large cohos and kings. Overcast, calm, and warm with a SW swell. About the same number of boats as yesterday so either folks are satisfied with their catches or have not heard of greener pastures elsewhere.

Had deer meatloaf with Paradise Valley instant mashed potatoes. Sara baked and froze 2 meatloafs for me before she left town with our neices. I sure appreciate them, especially on days like today where I’d likely as not make a pbj sandwich because I’m too tired to cook. They sure are tasty and quick to heat up. The potatoes are a great tasting product and a godsend to fishermen.

Very warm for August. Sweating hard everyday under the rain gear, and it’s good as I can stand to lose some weight.

It’s muggy tonight and so many bugs in this anchorage that I had to put up the no-see-um screens over the windows, and that greatly reduces airflow thru the cabin. A seal just surfaced to look at the boat, and I hear porpoises blowing nearby.

By next year I’ll hopefully have enough demand for our fish to hire a deckhand for the summer and leave this fishing alone for the young bucks… Man, I’m pooped.

Mark Stopha
F/V Dutch Master
Alaska Wild Salmon Co
4455 N Douglas Hwy
Juneau, Alaska 99801

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Aug 14, 2005

Fished off 3 Sisters south of Lisianski Inlet for the first time alongside with my fishing mentor Eric in his boat. Caught about 70 cohos and 20 kings with a soft SW swell and overcast. Huge cohos for much of the day, and several nice kings.

Mark Stopha
F/V Dutch Master
Alaska Wild Salmon Co
4455 N Douglas Hwy
Juneau, Alaska 99801

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