Endless summer

I took the Conteh family fishing this morning.  We caught a hog coho as soon as we put the gear in, then another big one in about the same spot an hour and a half later.  DIPAC tried a release from net pens at Sheep Creek last year and the return has been big fish and people are taking home fish by the wheelbarrow load both from boats and from the beach.  Jeff, Kurt, Ben and Chris got 8 at least twice, and got 5 after we left today.  The Conteh’s came home with me and we butchered and vac packed the fish in short order and all three of them had their hands full of coho salmon to put in the freezer. I pulled the fish out of the smoker that I caught a couple days ago.  It is fabulous.  I added an electric frying pan I got at Salvation Army to add to the hot plate with the pan of wood chips on top to finish the fish after they’ve dried and smoked.  2 cups salt, 2 cups sugar and 2 quarts of salmon berry juice brine two coho nicely in 50 minutes.   5 new ebola cases in Sierra Leone after getting to 0 for a short time.   Hopefully they can contain it and get some of the vaccine over there that apparently has worked in testing. –

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