Aug 13, 2005

Traveling through thick fog rounding the corner at Pt. Adolphus heading west. Town time was nothing but work. Three trips to our processor, but lucky to have Sara help this week offloading and cut the time in half. I hoped to be out this far or farther yesterday, but got a call from a Pennsylvania distributer with an order when I was almost to the harbor, so had to turn around to go mail the order and didn’t leave till noon.

By 4 pm I was having a hard time staying awake, so pulled in to Swanson Harbor for a nap. We’ve had 4 days in arow of record temps in the 80’s and today it may reach 90. The glare on the water and the heat just wore me out after 4 days of running around in town. I started for the coast about 7 pm, and decided to just run to Hoohah at dark, as the nearest anchorages were still a couple hours away.

Fog from Adolphus to Lisianski Inlet. I’m heading out Lisianski Strait now, and I haven’t been out here for 4 years. A really neat long channel. I’ve decided to head to new country with a mentor who showed me how to fish my first season. Looks like the weather may blow up by midweek, but it should be on my stern if I need to run for cover. This will be the furthest I’ve fished from home. I’m both apprehensive and excited.

Finally put the hook down in Ogden Passage after a beautiful run on the inside passage around Herbert Graves Island. Changed over my gear from coho spoons to alternating 4 fa hootchie spreads and 2 fa spoon spreads. Boiled a pot of coffee for the thermos, and went to bed about 8:30.
Mark Stopha
F/V Dutch Master
Alaska Wild Salmon Co
4455 N Douglas Hwy
Juneau, Alaska 99801

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Aug 9, 2005

Caught 50 cohos by 11:30 am, and headed to town as I was out of ice. Must be over 70 degrees again today. Flat calm for the run to Juneau.

Mark Stopha
F/V Dutch Master
Alaska Wild Salmon Co
4455 N Douglas Hwy
Juneau, Alaska 99801

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Aug 8, 2005

Another good day, with about 100 coho. Most of the boats left Pleasant Is., and I guess it dried up over there.

Fog rolled in at mid day, and the coolness of it was actually a relief to the hot, sunny weather. I’d guess it was 70 to 75 degrees or so today.

Fishing closes after tomorrow for 4 days, then reopens for both king and coho salmon. As I caught few kings the first opening, Ikm hoping to rebound this opening. But, if the kings aren’t out there, I’ll run right back here and keep coho fishing and not waste my time out there if there are few kings and if the coho are small.

Mark Stopha
F/V Dutch Master
Alaska Wild Salmon Co
4455 N Douglas Hwy
Juneau, Alaska 99801

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Aug 7, 2005

Started fishing at the mouth of Dundas Bay. Caught nothing, and with yet another sealion around, I pulled my gear and headed to Pt. Adolphus…which was where most of the fleet was. I’d guess 25 to 35 boats at Pleasant Is., and about 6 on the Adolphus side. Good fishing, and 90% big fish, too. 76 coho and just 6 pinks in about 2/3 of a day fishing. Wanted to keep going to a 100, but felt myself getting punchy so I anchored up in the bight west of Pinta Cove.

News of the good fishing must have got out, as I saw a steady stream of big smoker boats heading in to get on the merrygoround at Pleasant Is. The fishing may have been better there, but this side is easier to fish alone.

This water has it all. Feed, birds, whales, sealions, and today, lots of coho. I sure miss having Sara onboard, as a good deckhand allows me to catch more fish, and Sara’s a great cook, too.

I had a whole pod of large humpbacks cruise right across my bow as I was fishing and they were fishing. The one nearest the boat came up to the surface, did a little side roll so that his jaw and eye came out of the water to take a look at me, and then he dove a bit sideways so as to miss my boat. It was as if he was saying “Duuuude..we’re fishin’ heeeerrre”.

Mark Stopha
F/V Dutch Master
Alaska Wild Salmon Co
4455 N Douglas Hwy
Juneau, Alaska 99801

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Aug 6, 2005

Woke up to fog at 5 am this morning, which I saw as a clear sign from above to get back in bed. Got fishing right at the start of the flood tide about 8:20 am.

The sealions finally got the better of me and I pulled my gear, took my ball, and went home. I tried fishing the north side of North Inian Pass after tide change, after fishing North Is. on the flood tide. A lone sealion got every fish but one, so I called it a day at quarter to 5pm. Only 28 coho and 14 pinks today,and we decided to increase our prices a bit due to low catches and high fuel cost. I did see two bull orcas on the trip across, riding the ebb tide out the pass.

Weather changed this afteroon. The sun came out, and I’m heading to one of my favorite anchorages at Fern Harbor, which is right in front of the Brady Glacier – the glacier shown on our fish box.

As I entered the harbor, two sea otters took note of me. Pink salmon were jumping everywhere. After I droppped the hook, I began repairing the retrieval line to my stabilizer. The glacier water was so clear at the surface with the sun shining overhead that I could sea a harbor porpoise just below the surface as it surveyed the boat. LOTS of bugs here, though.

Mark Stopha
F/V Dutch Master
Alaska Wild Salmon Co
4455 N Douglas Hwy
Juneau, Alaska 99801

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Aug 5 2005

Fished the same spot as yesterday for more coho (42) and fewer pinks (32), which is a much better ratio. I even started shaking some of the female pinks as their bellies are getting thin as their eggs mature. Next year we’ll try to find a bait market for the roe.

Did not sleep well last night and felt like crap in the morning, so didn’t get to fishing until 8 am. Since I started late, I thought I’d make up for it by quitting early, which I did at 4:45 pm, so only about 9 hours of fishing today.

Would have caught more fish if not for a big male sealion that shadowed me most of the day. The critter was so bold it came right up behind the boat so close I could almost touch him. Almost like he escaped from Seaworld, he seemed so tame. He got who knows how many salmon from my gear.

Anchored in a cove I’d never been to before. Looks bulletproof to all winds, and beaches that deer might come down to for 180 degrees. Kind of a long row to shore in the punt, but I’m sure I’d try if I can see horns.

Mark Stopha
F/V Dutch Master
Alaska Wild Salmon Co
4455 N Douglas Hwy
Juneau, Alaska 99801

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